Why we practice gratitude

Why We Practice Gratitude

With Thanksgiving around the corner, Sugar Mill Montessori has gratitude in mind. Understanding and practicing gratitude is essential to the Montessori way with our philosophy based on independence and choice.

We know at the dinner table everyone goes around and states what they’re thankful for, but what about throughout the year? In this article, we will explore the importance of teaching our students to be grateful. Why do we practice gratitude? How is it applied in our classroom?

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What is gratitude?

Gratitude is the quality or feeling of being thankful. It is a practice of affirming goodness and recognizing the worth in the world around us. Gratitude presents itself in many ways, whether from our educators, our hobbies, or the outdoors. Giving appreciation to our surroundings has many benefits.

At Sugar Mill Montessori, we encourage our students to practice gratitude inside and outside the classroom. We gear our independent learners towards positivity, empathy, and thankfulness from our youngest to our oldest students.

Why is gratitude important?

Being thankful has many benefits! Gratitude is associated with higher levels of positive emotions, more optimism, and more understanding of those around us. This practice allows our classroom to cultivate a more kind, empathetic environment.

When we practice gratitude with our students, we help them grow emotionally and socially. According to Robert Emmons, the world’s scientific expert on gratitude, thankfulness is a relationship-building practice, it helps ward off isolation and encourages connectedness.

This parent-child, teacher-student, and classmate-classmate connections are intrinsic to Montessori teaching. Having a helpful, generous, and compassionate classroom becomes present through practicing gratitude.

Gratitude in the Montessori Classroom

Cultivating a grateful environment in our classroom is essential to us. By teaching students how to practice thankfulness, we as educators and parents can nurture and guide them to become empathetic, compassionate, and kinder individuals as they grow.

Below are some practices we recommend to inspire gratitude in the home and the classroom!

Saying Thank You & Vocalizing Appreciation

One of the first things children learn to communicate is to say “thank you.” While toddlers may not understand the exact meaning of these two words, encouraging vocalization makes a significant difference. Developing this habit at an early age allows our students to recognize and appreciate the positive actions occurring in their surroundings.

Helping With Daily Tasks

At Sugar Mill Montessori, we encourage independence and choice in learning. While students learn about gratitude, inviting them to help with cleaning tasks and responsibilities allows them to understand the efforts of others. This exercise encourages not only independence and decision-making but also empathy and thankfulness for others and their actions.

Gratitude Journaling

One of the best practices of gratitude is gratitude journaling. Taking the time and effort to think about what you are thankful for and writing it down helps instill kindness, compassion, and appreciation of our surroundings. It has many social, physical, and psychological benefits for children.

At Sugar Mill Montessori, free choice is encouraged. It allows our students to develop a deep sense of interest in the activities they are engaged in, independent of extrinsic rewards. Utilizing gratitude journaling helps our students recognize the efforts of others and appreciate those around them. Practicing gratitude is one of the most intrinsic practices we can participate in.

Nurture Gratitude in Your Child’s Development

Performing acts of kindness, appreciating others for their work, and saying thanks are all methods of practicing gratitude in day-to-day life. With social, emotional, and physical benefits, we encourage our educators and parents to cultivate an environment of appreciation every day, not just through the holidays!

If you would like to learn more about Sugar Mill Montessori and our approach to gratitude in the classroom, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We welcome families throughout Sugar Land, TX, and surrounding communities to speak with our administrators and educators and schedule a tour with us!

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