Approximately 300 million people worldwide are color blind. A majority of these people are male. What is color blindness? Why does it happen? What should we do about it? Sugar Mill Montessori School offers answers to these questions and more. Learning Colors One of the early concepts...

This question hovers at the forefront of many parents’ minds. Children are very happy eating their limited diet that may include noodles (including macaroni and cheese), chicken (preferably in nugget form), potatoes (in any way, shape, or form), and other foods that are definitely not...

Movement Matters  Sugar Mill Montessori emphasizes movement and making sure the classroom is constructed in a way where everything in the classroom becomes apart of the curriculum. Our approach to movement integrates mind, body, and spirit into activities to increase cognition and awareness in your child. For...

Core Principles  Here at Sugar Mill Montessori, we strive to implement practical learning outcomes that will propel your child well into the future. The focus of Montessori education goes beyond learning information to regurgitate later. We make sure to incorporate movement and mindfulness into our learning...

Discover Fun Just because it is summertime, your child's learning does not have to stop out of the classroom. Each moment of the day your child is processing information from their environment, so placing them in spaces that inspire their minds is important to do. Places...

Provide Support Montessori education is more than schooling we focus on developing a set of values that will allow your child to grow into the best versions of themselves. Our approach to education emphasizes acceptance and being understood, that will resonate with your child outside of...