Today is National Read Across America Day! It also happens to fall on Dr. Seuss’ birthday. This is not a coincidence, as Dr. Seuss books have been a favorite of young children for many generations. Reading to your child is so important. Start reading when...

This hilarious video has gone viral; showing a mom trying to keep her house clean while her toddler manages to undo every chore she has accomplished. Mom neatly folds clothes and places them in the drawer, her daughter removes the clothes and tosses them on the floor....

There are numerous benefits to cooking with children. You can start cooking with a child as young as one, they can help “dump” pre-measured ingredients into a bowl and help mix with your assistance. Not only is cooking a great way to bond with your child,...

True Montessori classrooms have multi-age groupings in the classrooms. Infants- 0-18 months Toddlers- 18 months-3 years Early Childhood- 3-6 years There are many benefits to the mixed age range in the classrooms. Consistency Typically, the child is with the same teacher all three years. We know young children... Routines are very important for young children. In Montessori we say that children under 6 are in their sensitive period for order and repetition, which means they have an inherent need for routines. During the holidays, school is out, you may be traveling, relatives might be...

In 1994, our first family-owned and operated school, Sugar Mill Montessori, opened its doors, along with the hearts of its staff, to the Sugar Land community. For twenty years our SMMS “family” has flourished. Due to our dedicated teachers partnering with loving parents, we share...